Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Why Buddha U ?

The "why?" is to help you see. See what? See that things do not have to be so stressful, so complicated, so fearful, so ominous and imposing, so dreadful.

Among many other things, I am a Buddhist. I "officially" became one a few years back in a Tibetan Buddhist ceremony and got the Buddhist name "Dorje" (door-jay) at that time. My original and you could call it my "heart" practice is "zazen" or sitting meditation as widely practiced in Japan in the "Soto Zen" school of Buddhism. I have now expanded into other forms Buddhist practice as well.

Having studied Buddhism for many years and having practiced many of the methods of Buddhism during that time, I must today admit that for me, there is something there, something to it. I'm not actually "there" yet however - you know what I mean, I'm not "enlightened" or awakened or any of that - but I cannot deny the place that Buddhism has found and repeatedly found in my life. I have left Buddhism behind (tried to) several times since I discovered it, but I've always returned. Maybe "why" I returned will become evident as this blog progresses - I hope so.

Because I have found benefit in Buddhism I feel a genuine sense of wanting to share that. I do NOT want to proselytize or convert anyone - that is exactly NOT the purpose of this site! It's just that for me, there seems to be a bit of a need to clarify my experience or experience in general and to share that clarification for YOUR benefit.

If you find no benefit here, please accept my apology and continue to seek and question in whatever way you see fit.

What I get out of this is number one, a centralized place to store and organize information that benefits me. I know that sounds selfish given the context and given what I just stated, but it's the honest truth.

Also there is this, the older I get (maybe the farther along I go) the more I seem to feel that there is really not much to accomplish in this life outside of maybe trying to help out a bit. Maybe help someone figure out that they are probably carrying a valuable jewel with them although they might not even know it.

It did occur to me that most Buddhist web sites are pretty much meant for well "Buddhists". What I mean is that they often invite you to mostly come into 'their view' of things.

What I hope to do here instead is to sort of go out and meet you on your terms - that will be a difficult challenge, and I can't promise that I wont get preachy or technical at times. But I'm writing this now as a personal reminder to try to do just that - ie, meet you on your own terms.

At any rate, please feel free to consider and respond to whatever you find here.


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